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Artist Blog by David Steinberg

“For the real scandal of Galileo’s work lay not so much in his discovery, or rediscovery, that the earth revolved around the sun, but in his constitution of an infinite, and infinitely open space.”

- Michel Foucault, Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias

Heterotopias are real places and other spaces, they are layered and often mirroring what is outside. Foucault often describes them as cultural spaces, such as public toilets or bars, but I am also extending it to outer space as a physical location as well. Outer space is mirroring and real and layered, contributing to an assemblage of connections with other spaces. The mirroring concept is portrayed by observers but with the telescopes removed. When we look off into space, our vision is reflected in our environment, and ourselves.

These images, of interiors, abstract landscapes, and objects, are meant to exist as an assemblage of outer space, despite each image existing here on earth. Here I portray outer space as infinitely open and infinite.

David Steinberg is part of Der Greif X Grisebach: “New Positions”.

Check out his Artist Feature Ouroboros.