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Der Greif 16 — Common Love — Shirin Neshat

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Michael Famighetti

Guest Room

Der Greif has invited Michael Famighetti, editor in chief of Aperture magazine and the editorial program, to curate a Guest Room. Michael Famighetti crafted the following theme for your submissions: “SUPER SIGHT”. "Berenice Abbott made stunning pictures of objects and scientific phenomena in the 1950s. To do so, she developed a process she called 'Super Sight,' based on the ancient camera ...

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Philippe Braquenier

Artist Feature

Earth Not a Globe takes its name from an influential volume on one of the most extreme conspiracy theories, claiming the Earth’s surface to be flat rather than spherical. Substantiated by Samuel Birley Rowbotham at the end of the nineteenth century, this theory has since brought together a large community of devotees who continue to spread the word virally today. For this project, Philippe ...

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Greif Alumni: Q&A with Caroline Heinecke


We periodically invite our alumni, artists we have featured in the past, to share their new work and projects with us. Caroline Heinecke was part of the Photography Online Only Auction that Der Greif and Grisebach held between January 19 to 28, 2024. Heinecke’s new project “Paw Paradox” was recently exhibited at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien in Berlin. The series applies AI and traditional ...

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The Earth is flat, right?

Artist Blog by Philippe Braquenier

I am often asked how I got started with this ‘flat-earther’ project… So I guess this would be a good starting point. Back in 2015, I slowly noticed that people around me started to believe some conspiracy theories and more notably anti-vax theories. At the same time, I was following a science-driven forum who were making jokes about the rising flat-earther community. I was truly concerned about ...

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PAMS Project by Dustin James

Artist Blog by Aaryan Sinha

“PAMS Project is about seeking lightness in heavy structures. These heavy structures are The Hague’s 587 registered Public Artworks, Monuments & Statues, or as I like to call them, PAMS. In a moment of excessive difficulty where I undergo the process of learning that I will one day be disabled, I navigate The Hague through lengthy walks and bike rides on a mission to find myself within the PAMS ...

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Coming of “Namaste or Whatever”

Artist Blog by Aaryan Sinha

Recently, I visited “The Culture” exhibition at the Schirn Museum in Frankfurt, produced in collaboration with the Baltimore Museum of Art to celebrate Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary. The exhibition showcased works influenced by Hip-Hop culture, predominantly created by people of colour and other minorities for whom it is a way of life. Interestingly, it wasn’t the artwork that caught my attention, ...

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Der Greif X MPB: Behind the Image with Mayya Kelova


Der Greif introduces Guest Room Scholarship awardee Mayya Kelova, a conceptual artist working with photography and moving image. She is from Turkmenistan, of Turkmen and Georgian origin, and is currently based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Featured in Renée Mussai & Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński’s Guest Room "Response-ability — Touch/Change — Otherwise", her image from the series “Forgiving” touches on a ...

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An Interview With Raghunath Bedi (1921-2023)

Artist Blog by Aaryan Sinha

Interview conducted on the 31st of October 2022 "I come from a village in North India, more precisely Northern Punjab, adjacent to the Jammu and Kashmir border, just six miles away. The village was only 5% Hindu, with the rest being Muslims. However, the economy was controlled by Hindus. There was only one Muslim-owned shop in the entire village. Despite this, we lived peacefully, with no ...

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To My Darling Love

Artist Blog by Aaryan Sinha

In the house that I grew up in, there hangs an image on the side of our refrigerator. It is a portrait of my paternal grandfather. I never felt the urge to look at the other side of the image that I glanced at every day, until one day at the peak of the first Covid lockdown in India, in which the initially predicted two weeks turned into six long months. On the back of the image, addressed to my ...

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Aaryan Sinha

Artist Feature

This Isn’t Divide and Conquer is a project rooted in family history that branches out into a journey, across the five states of India that share a border with Pakistan. Using photography, the maker attempts to understand how historical events have played a part in shaping the Indian landscape and the ever-changing identity of its people. The title of the project has historical connotations. ...

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Der Greif at Les Rencontres d'Arles 2024


We’ve just got back from Les Rencontres d’Arles, where we kicked-off our first 1:1 feedback session at the Fondation Manuel Rivera-Ortiz in ParisBerlin Fotohaus, danced the night away with a fantastic DJ set by Stump Valley from the collective ToyTonics and enjoyed a special screening of the 24 artists selected selected for the feedback session: Anne Mocaër, Cristina Fontsare, Emilia Martin, ...

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On being a Houseplant

Artist Blog by Nadia Ettwein

I was normal about 109 houseplants ago. An existence that is defined by a space – a space that supports it and has its limitations. Being like a houseplant is a powerful metaphor to me, one of personal growth and self-discovery within the constraint of societal expectations. Just as a houseplant is nurtured within a set pot, we too are often nurtured within certain parameters set by society, ...

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Cry Baby

Artist Blog by Nadia Ettwein

A long time ago I decided not to have children. Perhaps it was a conscious choice that unfolded in me organically – that motherhood wasn’t my destined path. Somehow, I was never prepared to carry my own unresolved wounds into motherhood and be the possible cause of harm. In my own way I carried my absence into photography – triggers turned into photographs. Nadia Ettwein is part of »Guest ...

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About My Practice

Artist Blog by Nadia Ettwein

As a visual artist, I navigate between the construction and witnessing of images. I have studied and worked in the field of Information Science that extended into photography, through creating and preserving my own stories. My life has been characterized by abandonment and neglect, leading to my challenges. This abuse with a history of a post-apartheid society and domestic instabilities has ...

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Les Rencontres d'Arles 2024: A Der Greif guide through the festival


Les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles inaugurates its 55th edition at various venues across the city – and throughout the South of France – from 1 July to 29 September 2024. Der Greif guides you through the most exciting week for European photography and beyond to highlight our past and present collaborators’ works at the festival.

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Portraits of Houseplants

Artist Blog by Nadia Ettwein

Houseplant started as a series of self-portraits in a black skirt during COVID. What I thought of as creative portraits in lockdown, tuned into a different set of self-discoveries. In this time, my partner and I transitioned from a monogamous to a non-monogamous marriage. There were a lot of social norms that I had to face and unlearn. The self-portraits were my intimate self-exploration ...

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Nadia Ettwein

Artist Feature

Houseplant is a work on my self-destructions and recoveries, a growth from girlhood to womanhood that emerged independently from traditional norms. The metaphor of a houseplant suggests nurturing and growth, but also the confinement of being contained within certain parameters or expectations. Love and abandonment. In this ongoing personal project, I explore personal transformation ...

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In Focus: Photobooks by Magda Kuca, Mafalda Rakoš, Anna Breit and Mircea Sorin Albuțiu


“In Focus” is a quarterly series of reviews in which we hunt down and peruse the worthy publications off the shelves of our community artists. Each month, Der Greif is selecting a set of photobooks from our talents’ pool. Compiled here are the most recent releases from our community artists Magda Kuca, Mafalda Rakoš, Anna Breit and Mircea Sorin Albuțiu.

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MADRE by Marisol Mendez Published by Setanta Books

Artist Blog by Magda Kuca

MADRE imaginatively captures some of that richness and diversity of female experience, with Mendez walking a shifting line between fact and fiction in her collaboratively staged portraits. Mendez worked closely with her sitters to craft the visions she presents in MADRE, with costumes, props, and all carefully coordinated to reflect the subject’s desired persona. In nearly every image, the woman ...

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Monsters Hunting Magda Kuca’s Photographic Tales

Artist Blog by Magda Kuca

Śmiguśniaki are the captives of the Tatars, whose tongues were cut off - they can’t speak so they rattle instead. To get protection from the cold, they clothed themselves with hay, acquiring plant-like properties. Their face masks protected their otherworldly origins - ‘Dziady’ are ghosts of the ancestors, connecting the world of the living and the deceased. Dziady are playing around, pouring ...

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Family Tales

Artist Blog by Magda Kuca

Family Tales (2022) is a project focused on ancestry search, rediscovering author’s family archives and interpreting stories by combining archival photographic materials with historic and experimental photographic processes from gum bichromate to wet collodion, chlorophyll printing on leaves from the Kuca family hometown to photographic installation. Through a range of printing materials and by ...

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Local Voices: Thai imagescape(s)


“Local Voices” is the digital media platform that narrates the creative horizon of image culture country by country: the photographers, institutions and independent players shaping the contemporary imagescape(s). Der Greif kicks off with a focus on Thailand. This article is an exercise of co-writing to achieve an ever-growing digital archive on the world of contemporary photography and visual ...

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Artist Blog by Magda Kuca

Tales is the first book by Magda Kuca comprising a decade’s worth of work concerned with Eastern European identity and storytelling, examining the relationship between the supernatural and folklore. By working hands-on with historic photographic processes such as wet collodion, Kuca’s work explores narratives around the craft and materiality of the photographic medium. The book invites the ...

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Magda Kuca

Artist Feature

Referencing early ethnographic photography records, this deeply personal series features portraits of the author's grandmother shot in wet plate collodion technique. Influenced by Slavic rituals and customs, the historic technique strengthens the link between the artistic approach and the desire to dive into one’s heritage through reflection on memory, folklore and technology. Magda Kuca is part ...

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Tsardom 3.10.

Artist Blog by Maxim Zmeyev

Hello everyone! In the third and final part of my blog, I want to present the project I am currently working on. The photographs you see might not even be included in the final project, or they might change. The project is still in progress and evolving! If you have any comments about it, you can contact me on Instagram or write to me on my website. Thank you for spending this time with me. ...

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Greif Alumni: Tradition and innovation. Caleb Stein's “How to Move a Mountain”


“How to Move a Mountain” is a photographic essay by Greif Alumnus Caleb Stein, exploring the Carrara marble quarry. Published by Luhz Press, this 100-page softcover book features Stein’s black-and-white photographs, an essay by our past Guest Room curator David Campany, and a design by Zoe Lemelson. Limited to an edition of 600 copies, “How to Move a Mountain” offers a profound look at the ...

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ID 2.100.

Artist Blog by Maxim Zmeyev

Hello everyone! In the second part of my blog, I want to present to you my second major project related to video games. I created this project in France, where I moved due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. I now live in Marseille and have the status of an asylum seeker, which makes this project very personal to me. 2023 Virtual photography Photomaton photo booth The project “ID ...

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Christiane Monarchi & Eva Eicker

Guest Room

Guest Room is dedicated to igniting collaboration. Christiane Monarchi, the founding co-editor of Hapax Magazine and founding editor of Photomonitor, is teaming up with curator Eva Eicker, an expert focusing on social and cultural issues for critical engagement with contemporary photography. For this edition of Guest Room, they have crafted the guiding framework: "Wortbildsalat / ...

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