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Artist Blog by Ingeborg Everaerd

Mare is a thirteen-year-old girl, just like any other girl her age at first glance. But life at Mare's home is different. She has a brother with a serious muscle disease that gets worse over time and threatens his life. Simple things like going on vacation, eating out, or going to the beach aren't always possible or easy, unlike for many other families. Mare does her best to help out because she loves her brother and sees how much her parents struggle.

Like any typical 13-year-old, she wants to hang out with her friends and have fun, but afterward, she often feels guilty because her brother can't do those things.

Mare has come to accept that her brother won't get better, that things won't get easier, and that they'll face even more challenges in the future. However, the bond she shares with her parents and brother is strong and warm, providing her with comfort and support.