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Meeting Shirin Neshat

Artist Blog by Ghada Khunji

It was purely serendipitous to be part of Der Greif’s issue featuring works chosen by Shirin Neshat.

I have adored her work since I moved to New York City in the 90s. She very soon became an icon for me and a big influence on my own art-making.

A decade later I discovered she was looking for people to be part of her ‘Book of Kings’ project. I had such an urge to audition for her and become one of her “faces” in the show but thought it was too late and that my chance had slipped away.

Soon after I had a magical encounter, as I was waiting outside a show exhibition she passed me to go in and I stopped her briefly and asked if there still was time to audition. All those who have met her will agree how sweet, wonderful, and considerate she is. She replied that the auditions were full but why not stop by at the end and if there was time, I could too audition. The rest was a magical history for me.

I did not know if I had made the cut until I arrived at the gallery opening of ‘Book of Kings’ and saw my portrait included in the show!

Indeed dreams come true if one believes hard enough… In this blog, you will see a selfie I took of Shirin & me at the studio where she was photographing us, a picture of Shirin and me at the opening, and the photo she took of me for ‘Book of Kings’.

I am truly honored and grateful.