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The Silent Path Toward a Peaceful Transition

Artist Blog by Azad Amin

The youth in every community is considered as the potential capital for the future and the fresh power of life. The young have their dreams and aspirations and assume future perspectives and goals, which they endeavor to obtain.

The youth in Iran, particularly in the course of the last couple of decades, has demonstrated a strong wish and ability to become globalized, to be able to communicate with the entire world, take part in global debates, fashion, lifestyle, arts, and sciences despite the filtering implied on online communication in the country.

The young Iranian population is particularly inflicted by unemployment and inflation of astronomical dimensions, a long-term recession, and many other demanding challenges. The international sanctions on the country have only deteriorated the situation in a way that has given way to the mass migration of the younger population for whom it is difficult to imagine a plausible horizon for a future with family life, work, and livelihood.

These facts have embarked a reaction within the young community of Iranians to strive to change the present situation and its difficult course. The youth in Iran is generally multilingual, well-educated, and globally well-oriented; their endeavor therefore is to think differently about the fundamental values and the conventional ways of life, to redefine the questions of the time, and to look for new resources, also unrecognized ones, to find or even create the answers. I believe this process has created new promises within the Iranian society for a transition from a traditional-based society to a fully modern, globalized one.

Some sections of society doom this phenomenal movement exorbitant, inflicted by Western values; they do their best to challenge it. I, as a young man daily exposed to the absurdity of the situation, greatly appreciate the historical momentum of this trend within the younger population; and this appreciation has become the motivation for beginning to register and document, in photography, this historical transition that can be the turning point of the recent history of this country.