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Artist Blog by Anna Charlotte Schmid

In 2014, together with Tobias Laukemper, I founded FOTOTREFF Berlin – a place for the exchange of documentary and artistic photography – and led it for 8 years.

We developed three modules for a dynamic and compact evening, which included discussions and lectures between established photography-related individuals, as well as critiques of selected works in progress and presentations of photobooks.

A significant aspect of our gatherings was the processing of photographic projects. We emphasized the importance of critically questioning the themes related to these projects, fostering a deeper understanding and dialogue within the photographic community.

My particular focus was on the thematic development of the Artist Talks and the curation of guests. I worked on creating an environment where both emerging and established photographers could engage in meaningful discourse about their work and the broader implications of their projects within the realm of contemporary photography. At the moment, I am working on new concepts for performative presentation strategies in photography mediation.

Anna Charlotte Schmid is part of »Guest Room: Damarice Amao & Matthias Pfaller«.

Check out her Artist Feature The Other Side of Venus.